Updated: 11:51 GMT, 12 December 2011
There has been lots of cheering from eurosceptics at the refusal of our Prime Minister to sign up to a new EU Treaty - which would have meant signing away much of what is left of our national independence. I've joined in the cheering.
But while a disaster has been averted it is quite true that we are not actually better off as a result. In itself it does not mean that the burden of the EU over us is reduced. No powers are repatriated - indeed the threat of further directives remains. Our membership sub will not go down - indeed it is still scheduled to rise.
The great benefit is psychological. Our Prime Minister has learnt to say 'No'. He has resisted the pressure to 'go with the flow'.
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Veto: Our Prime Minister has learnt to say 'no'
But often we have found that opt outs and guarantees by the eurocrats have not been honoured. They make the rules up as they go along. The Commission and the European Court of Justice can interpret and re-interpret treaties as they like (hence we were forced to risk billions on Irish and Portuguese bailouts because they suddenly decided article 122 which is about helping countries facing 'natural disasters' was really about helping countries in bad economic situations).
In many ways it is clearer than ever that withdrawal from the EU is needed as there will not be serious renegotiation of our relationship with EU. For the EU to be wanting a new treaty establishing 'European economic governance' should have given the best chance for this. If he could not secure agreement from other EU countries to this now, when will he ever be able to? It is nonsense to suggest that the problem is in some way a lack of negotiating skill from David Cameron. Ed Miliband would not have been able to secure repatriation of powers or safeguards to the City either - the only difference is that Miliband wouldn't even try.
So far the EU's only strategy to deal with the eurozone debt crisis seems to have been to try to intimidate the markets into submission rather than come up with a coherent solution to the euro's glaring flaws. Clearly, and unsurprisingly, that hasn't been working. Not only has the lack of detail behind every EU response failed to convince, but the perpetual indecision has demonstrated that the EU as a decision-making structure is too rigid and incapable of acting with the dynamism required to secure Europe's success and prosperity in our fast-moving 21st century world. The EU, being a 1920s idea founded on a 1950s view of the world, has never looked more out of date.
Little wonder, then, that the ratings agencies have continued to criticise and downgrade the credit-worthiness of euro member countries.
The real choice now is either that we accept being governed increasingly from Brussels, or we leave the EU and negotiate a new relationship based on trade and voluntary, ad-hoc co-operation where this makes sense. Switzerland, Norway, Mexico and over 50 other countries have trade deals with the EU giving them free access to the single market. There is no reason why an independent Britain could not do the same. But for this to happen, the British people first have to force the political class to give us a referendum on EU membership.
There is a campaign, the People's Pledge which is working to do precisely this. Much more than a passing petition, it's the biggest exercise in 'people power' there is on the EU question and is pursuing a unique, forensic campaigning strategy with a view to ensuring there is in Parliament a pro-referendum majority of MPs of all parties after the next general election.
Referendum: Even RMT Union leader Bob Crow supports the campaign for a public vote on EuropeChange will come from the bottom up. Since the People's Pledge launched back in March, Britain’s relationship with the EU and the demand for an in-out referendum have shot up the political agenda. In October it held a rally attended by over 2,000 people in the run-up to the recent debate in parliament on holding an EU referendum. It has put together the biggest cross-party coalition yet seen on the European issue.
It has the allegiance of Labour MPs like Kate Hoey and Graham Stringer, RMT leader Bob Crow, the centre-right economist Ruth Lea, as well as Conservatives Zac Goldsmith and Douglas Carswell. It is even being supported by some who are pro-EU, such as Tony Blair's former Europe minister Keith Vaz, but who believe that the British people must be given the chance to say where they want ultimate political power over their lives to reside.
The pressure for us to decide our own destiny must continue. Restoring our self government as a properly functioning democracy is not just the aim of few right wing blimps.
Read Harry Phibbs's RightMinds blog here
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