
Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The Tory Right has no leader

By Harry Phibbs for the Daily Mail
Updated: 10:08 GMT, 18 October 2011 | Agen Bola dan Kasino Online | Agen Bola Terpercaya | Bandar Bola |

 Simple: The Tory right loved her, the Tory left hated her

It used to all be so simple. When Margaret Thatcher was leader of the Conservative Party the Tory right were those supporting her - indeed often urging her to go further in the direction she was taking the nation. The Tory left plotted against her and tried to thwart what she was doing. There were the wets and the drys.

On monetarism, trade union reform, privatisation, deregulation and controlling public spending the wets were out to stop her. We had a pretty clear idea that if one of the wets had been Prime Minister in 1982 then Argentina would have been able to get away with occupying the Falkland Islands.

In some areas the wets succeeded. Between 1979 and 1990 the Conservative Government was headed by Margaret Thatcher but not all decisions went her way. At the start of the Thatcher premiership we saw Bishop Abel Muzorewa, the black leader of Zimbabwe, undermined by the Foreign Office and Robert Mugabe come to power instead. At the end of her time in Downing Street Britain joined the Exchange Rate Mechanism. The Home Office pursued policies that were soft on crime. School standards fell as proposals for education vouchers were scuppered.

But even if the Thatcherites did not always support everything done by the Thatcher Government it was clear who they were and what they believed. It was also clear who the wets were - the faction grouped around the Tory Reform Group who cheered on Edward Heath's constant sniping.

Now it is all much more complicated. In so many areas the Tory wets have been defeated by the evidence. The Blair/Brown years showed the failure of increased public spending to improve public services. Even on the European Union many of the wets have developed doubts. No longer do we see them on platforms demanding we join the Euro.

Complicated: The Blair/Brown years showed the failure of increased public spending to improve public services

So the terms of debate have become broader. Alliances are formed on different issues. There was lots of reports last week about Liam Fox being the 'leader of the Tory Right.' Was he? Is he? I don't think so.

I am sorry that Fox resigned because this will be used by Whitehall to make it harder for those with independent advice to break thorough the layer of civil servants to reach Ministers. But I'm not sure that his brief period of office showed  him to be particularly Thatcherite.

The Ministry of Defence has more civil servants than soldiers. It owns farms equivalent to the size of Surrey. As Defence Secretary he should been determined to find spending cuts without cutting the front line. The scope was massive and remains so. Perhaps Fox's less flamboyant successor Philip Hammond will, in his unassuming way, deliver more Thatcherite  results  of strong defence and reduced bureaucracy.

Support: David Cameron had some backing from cabinet ministers for the decision to intervene in Libya Support: David Cameron had some backing from cabinet ministers for the decision to intervene in Libya

Then there was Libya. David Cameron had some backing from cabinet ministers for the decision to intervene. It came only just in time to prevent a massacre in Benghazi and avert a victory for Gaddafi.

Yet this backing for British military apparently came from the Education Secretary Michael Gove rather than from Fox - who briefed that there were not enough resources to impose a  no fly zone. Was getting rid of Gaddafi right wing or left wing?

Rather than a cohesive faction the Tory Right is constantly shifting depending on what the subject is. Demands for lower public spending, withdrawal from the European Union and an active effort to topple anti western dictatorships come from different groups of Tory MPs.

Is Boris Johnson on the Tory Right or the Tory Left? Who knows. Iain Duncan Smith visits council estates in Glasgow and expresses his determination that intergenerational welfare dependency should be tackled rather than ignored. Does that put him on the right or the left? Eric Pickles has been a no nonsense tough Communities Secretary but is not regarded as an ideologue. When do we place him on the spectrum?

Another example of the confusion is embodied by Steve Hilton, that arch moderniser and right hand man to David Cameron. Lots of grumpy right wingers would complain about him not wearing a tie and embracing trendy notions. But we now discover that Hilton thinks we should leave the EU and that small businesses should be boosted by being exempted from requirements over maternity pay.

The Tory Right does not have a leader because it does not exist anymore. This is not a failure but a success. It is not that it has shrunk but has grown beyond the constraints of being a faction.

There are great advantages in this. The intellectual rigour required is greater if lazy "group think" can't be relied upon. If it makes it  harder for the term "right wing" to be used this could also be a benefit. For the BBC and others it has been used as a term of abuse. They take it to include Hitler, although his Party was the National Socialists. Then there is the reference "to the right of Genghis Khan" although Genghis sought to eliminate national identity and liquidate the aristocracy.

There are lots of Tory MPs and Party activists who are tough minded and full of radicalism and determination to increase the sovereignty of our nation and the freedom of the individual. But they are not a homogeneous blob. The strength comes in support for their causes not hero worship of a particular politician.

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