Published: 21:20 GMT, 18 August 2012 | Updated: 15:30 GMT, 20 August 2012
They were intended to get the economy moving, but radical proposals by David Cameron to build on the Green Belt are about to get his own MPs moving against him.
Tory backbenchers, and some senior Ministers, are furious at suggestions that the Prime Minister is ready to reopen the emotive issue of whether new homes and businesses should be built in protected countryside, an issue they had thought was settled.
Mr Cameron risks a dangerous Cabinet split over his apparent willingness to sacrifice the Green Belt, a move that has emerged as he casts around for fresh ideas to stimulate growth. | Agen Bola dan Kasino Online | Agen Bola Terpercaya | Bandar Bola |
David Cameron (right) held a crisis summit with Nick Clegg (left) and George Osborne (centre) to get the economy back on track
In a bid to inject momentum, he held a crisis summit with Nick Clegg and George Osborne at which it was agreed the Coalition had to ‘think the unthinkable’ to get the economy back on track.
The lack of a growth strategy has been a constant criticism of the Government and Mr Osborne has been under increasing pressure over his lacklustre policies as the economy flatlines.
The Chancellor apparently made clear he was keen to reopen the debate to make it easier for thousands of homes to be built, as well as shops, hotels and infrastructure projects that would boost the construction industry.
He and Mr Cameron are trying to come up with ideas to put into an economic regeneration Bill, expected in the autumn.
The latest panic comes after Mayor of London Boris Johnson embarrassed the Prime Minister by telling the Coalition to ‘stop pussyfooting around’. Seen as a likely future leadership contender, he called for tax cuts and action on deregulation.
But Mr Osborne has ruled out tax cuts while attempts to deregulate are mired in Lib Dem objections. Last weekend, it emerged Business Secretary Vince Cable opposed plans by Mr Cameron to extend Sunday trading hours.
So Mr Cameron and Mr Osborne have reportedly alighted on the idea that laws governing Green Belt land might be relaxed. There is only one problem. The issue has just been the subject of a long and arduous process, culminating in a rule change trumpeted as protecting the countryside.
Draft proposals, published last year, were amended to strengthen Green Belt safeguards after they were opposed by groups, including the National Trust, the Campaign to Protect Rural England and Friends of the Earth, which said they amounted to a ‘developers’ charter’.
In March, Ministers published the new guidelines aimed at encouraging development on brownfield sites. A ‘presumption in favour of sustainable development’ should be a key theme in planning decisions and local councils now get the final say on Green Belt decisions.
The suggestion that the new rules might be scrapped so soon after implementation has ignited Tory anger. Cabinet Minister Eric Pickles is furious. The Communities Secretary, who in March pledged the countryside was safe under the new rules, is said to be determined to stick to his word.
He is wise to do so. A U-turn could spark a bitter Tory rebellion. Mole Valley MP Sir Paul Beresford, said: ‘If they try to do this, they’ll have a fight on their hands. We are not going to allow it.’
After his opposition to longer shopping hours on Sunday, Vince Cable has offered David Cameron an olive branch.
I’m told the Liberal Democrat Business Secretary has been working with the Tories to see what deregulation moves can be agreed, in a bid to launch a package to boost business in the autumn.
But the devil is in the detail and it is proving hard for Ministers on both sides of the Coalition to agree on specific measures.
Vince Cable (left) has offered David Cameron (right) an olive branch after his opposition to longer shopping hours on a SundayAfter Mr Cable fought proposals to allow larger stores to stay open on Sunday, there were fears that he could continue that approach.
One Tory Minister said: ‘The Lib Dems want to make it look as if we are trying to put children up chimneys. They want to spend between now and the next Election blocking every deregulation proposal we unveil so that they can say to their voters, ‘‘Look what the evil Tories tried to do, and we stopped it.’’?’
One proposal that is gaining consensus, however, is to simplify the laws relating to money-laundering.
At present, firms must carry out ‘due diligence’ checks to make sure customers are who they say they are, especially when carrying out transactions in excess of £15,000 or when the customer is not physically present.
Ministers are working on a streamlined system whereby anyone with a British, EU or US bank account is presumed to be clean and does not have to undergo checks.
Said one insider: ‘It makes sense to only require firms to do checks when someone turns up with a suitcase full of fivers.’
Once derided for her beige approach to politics, Theresa May has won mounting plaudits for her steady performance in government. Even her staunchest critics have had to alter their view.
In fact, with Cameron, Clegg, Osborne and Hague now all on holiday, Tories are expressing relief that the seemingly unflappable Home Secretary has assumed control of the country.
The statuesque former leadership hopeful – she briefly considered a bid for the top job before backing Cameron – is seen to have done particularly well in a brief that has claimed so many scalps.
And with other Coalition Ministers lashing out under the strain, she is more than anything admired simply for her ability to keep cool and carry on.
Or as one MP puts it: ‘She knows how to get from A to B without knocking over the drinks trolley.’
As health service bosses begin the process of NHS reform, a strange memo has been leaked to me from St George’s Hospital in Tooting, South London.
This is the hospital where 22-year-old Kane Gorny died of dehydration and whose nursing staff were accused of appalling negligence at his inquest.
The memo from managers tells staff how to improve patient care by behaving like geese.
Entitled ‘Careful Focus; Transforming healthcare by putting people before process’, it says that just as geese fly more efficiently in a V formation, ‘people who share a common direction and sense of community can reach their destination quicker and easier, travelling on the thrust of each other’.
Whenever a goose falls out of formation, it immediately feels the drag, it explains. ‘Lesson: Stay in formation.’
Sometimes the leading goose gets tired and another takes over. ‘Lesson: Take turns and share in leadership.’
Geese in formation honk from behind to encourage those up front to keep up the speed. ‘Lesson: Make sure your honking from behind is encouraging.’
Needless to say, there is nothing about making sure patients are given water. | Agen Bola dan Kasino Online | Agen Bola Terpercaya | Bandar Bola |
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