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Published: 12:55 GMT, 20 April 2012 | Updated: 12:55 GMT, 20 April 2012
Given their poll lead nationally -13 percent according to YouGov this morning - the election for Mayor of London should be a landslide win for the Labour candidate.
At the last General Election, while the Conservatives ended up 7 percent ahead of Labour nationally - with 36 percent of the vote to 29 percent - in London Labour was ahead by a couple of points - 36 percent to 34 percent.
But instead of cruising to a landslide victory, Labour's Ken Livingstone is behind in the polls and Boris Johnson looks set to narrowly secure a second term.
If there was a correlation between national approval ratings and the London Mayoral election, Labour's Ken Livingstone (right) could expect to win it. However, polls show Boris Johnson is on course to secure a second term as Mayor.There has been a lot of coverage over the extremist and offensive comments that Livingstone has come up with. There is also the strong personal popularity of Boris Johnson.
But it is a mistake to imagine this is merely a personality contest.
One policy that emerged this week was that Londoners will have the chance to vote for a tax cut when they go to the polls on May 3rd. Boris Johnson is pledging to cut the Council Tax precept by 10 percent over four years. Already this year he has cut it by 1 percent after a freeze for the last three years.
On a national scale, the Conservatives are experiencing difficulties over tax increases. There was a lot of fretting over the timid cut in the top rate tax from 50 percent to 45 percent. But the really strong opposition has been to the tax rises - reduced tax allowances for pensioners who work, and added liabilities for charitable donors, for churches, and for caravans. Most notoriously for buying a pasty.
In fairness it should be remembered that overall this was a tax-cutting Budget which saw a general reduction in the income tax burden and Corporation Tax. But the extent of the anger over these small tax increases shows that people have had enough after 13 years of socialist government and demand a clear change of direction.
During the Thatcher/Lawson era of the 1980s it was clear that a vote for the Conservatives was a vote for lower tax. There is nothing out of date about adopting this policy. Over at the Spectator there is an interview by Fraser Nelson with Anders Borg, the Finance Minister of Sweden. They have cut tax and thus eliminated their budget deficit - and last year had the fastest rate of economic growth in Europe.
When Ken Livingstone was Mayor of London he increased the Council Tax precept by 153 percent. Interviewed by the Evening Standard, he says: "I am going to increase your taxes."
So it is not just a contest about personalities. If Boris Johnson is reelected on May 3 it will show the popularity of tax cuts. While the amount will be modest, it would allow Boris to demonstrate his tax cutting credentials for any future job he might be after.
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