
Tuesday, February 17, 2015

EU referendum pledge could be the key to Conservative victory - as well as British independence

By Harry Phibbs for the Daily Mail

Published: 14:40 GMT, 11 May 2012 | Updated: 14:40 GMT, 11 May 2012

Do The Spectator not recognise a scoop when it hits them on the nose?

My copy has arrived this week and the article by James Forsyth is not mentioned on the front page but merely flagged up on the strip of paper stapled to the side.

It says that the next Conservative manifesto will propose two referendums on the European Union. The first to approve terms to renegotiate our membership. The second to decide whether what is agreed is acceptable, or whether we should pull out. | Agen Bola dan Kasino Online | Agen Bola Terpercaya | Bandar Bola |

The Spectator claims the next Conservative manifesto will propose two referendums on the European Union

 The Spectator claims the next Conservative manifesto will propose two referendums on the European Union

He writes:

"A referendum on Europe is the obvious answer. It is one the leadership seems set to embrace. The popularity of Cameron’s EU veto made his circle realise how much of a political asset Euroscepticism could be, if used in the right way. There is also concern in No. 10 that if the Tories don’t offer the public a vote, Labour will.

"One source intimately involved in Tory electoral strategy told me recently that a referendum in the next manifesto was ‘basically a certainty’. The only debate now was about what ‘sequencing’ the manifesto should propose: renegotiate Britain’s membership of the European Union and then hold a referendum on the result, or hold a referendum asking for permission to go to Brussels and renegotiate.

"My understanding is that, at the moment, the favoured option is to propose renegotiation, followed by a referendum on the new arrangements within 18 months. During the campaign, the Tories would argue for staying in if new terms could be agreed but leaving if the rest of Europe refused to play ball."

My own hunch is that the Eurocrats would refuse anything approaching the sort of renegotiation that would be acceptable. It would certainly have to include withdrawal from the Common Agricultural Policy and the Common Fisheries Policy as well as ceasing to pour billions into the EU budget and adhering to all the meddlesome directives.

But if our EU "partners" do allow some kind of associate, free trade, membership, then fine. If they don't, it is time for us to go. At least that would be my view. Let the people decide. If voting Conservative at the next election meant having the chance to decide, it would result in the Conservatives taking votes from UKIP (which is a far from inconsequential challenge for David Cameron whether he admits it or not) but also many votes from Labour and the Lib Dems.

It could be the deal-breaker with the electorate. It could be the issue that brings about a majority Conservative Government rather than a coalition or a return to Labour. What is more important, it could mean the British people at last restored to self-government.

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